Setting up Appservices

Getting help

If you run into any problems while setting up an Appservice: ask us in or open an issue on GitHub.

Set up the appservice - general instructions

Follow whatever instructions are given by the appservice. This usually includes downloading, changing its config (setting domain, homeserver url, port etc.) and later starting it.

At some point the appservice guide should ask you to add a registration yaml file to the homeserver. In Synapse you would do this by adding the path to the homeserver.yaml, but in conduwuit you can do this from within Matrix:

First, go into the #admins room of your homeserver. The first person that registered on the homeserver automatically joins it. Then send a message into the room like this:

!admin appservices register

You can confirm it worked by sending a message like this: !admin appservices list

The server bot should answer with Appservices (1): your-bridge

Then you are done. conduwuit will send messages to the appservices and the appservice can send requests to the homeserver. You don't need to restart conduwuit, but if it doesn't work, restarting while the appservice is running could help.

Appservice-specific instructions

Remove an appservice

To remove an appservice go to your admin room and execute

!admin appservices unregister <name>

where <name> one of the output of appservices list.