Example configuration

Example configuration
# =============================================================================
#  This is the official example config for conduwuit.
#  If you use it for your server, you will need to adjust it to your own needs.
#  At the very least, change the server_name field!
#  This documentation can also be found at https://conduwuit.puppyirl.gay/configuration.html
# =============================================================================


# The server_name is the pretty name of this server. It is used as a suffix for user
# and room ids. Examples: matrix.org, conduit.rs

# The Conduit server needs all /_matrix/ requests to be reachable at
# https://your.server.name/ on port 443 (client-server) and 8448 (federation).

# If that's not possible for you, you can create /.well-known files to redirect
# requests (delegation). See
# https://spec.matrix.org/latest/client-server-api/#getwell-knownmatrixclient
# and
# https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/server-server-api/#getwell-knownmatrixserver
# for more information

#server_name = "your.server.name"

# Servers listed here will be used to gather public keys of other servers (notary trusted key servers).
# The default behaviour for conduwuit is to attempt to query trusted key servers before querying the individual servers.
# This is done for performance reasons, but if you would like to query individual servers before the notary servers
# configured below, set to
# (Currently, conduwuit doesn't support batched key requests, so this list should only contain Synapse servers)
# Defaults to `matrix.org`
# trusted_servers = ["matrix.org"]

# Sentry.io crash/panic reporting, performance monitoring/metrics, etc. This is NOT enabled by default.
# conduwuit's default Sentry reporting endpoint is o4506996327251968.ingest.us.sentry.io
# Defaults to *false*
#sentry = false

# Sentry reporting URL if a custom one is desired
# Defaults to conduwuit's default Sentry endpoint: "https://fe2eb4536aa04949e28eff3128d64757@o4506996327251968.ingest.us.sentry.io/4506996334657536"
#sentry_endpoint = ""

# Report your Conduwuit server_name in Sentry.io crash reports and metrics
# Defaults to false
#sentry_send_server_name = false

# Performance monitoring/tracing sample rate for Sentry.io
# Note that too high values may impact performance, and can be disabled by setting it to 0.0 (0%)
# This value is read as a percentage to Sentry, represented as a decimal
# Defaults to 15% of traces (0.15)
#sentry_traces_sample_rate = 0.15

# Whether to attach a stacktrace to Sentry reports.
#sentry_attach_stacktrace = false

# Send panics to sentry. This is true by default, but sentry has to be enabled.
#sentry_send_panic = true

# Send errors to sentry. This is true by default, but sentry has to be enabled. This option is
# only effective in release-mode; forced to false in debug-mode.
#sentry_send_error = true

# Controls the tracing log level for Sentry to send things like breadcrumbs and transactions
# Defaults to "info"
#sentry_filter = "info"

### Database configuration

# This is the only directory where conduwuit will save its data, including media.
# Note: this was previously "/var/lib/matrix-conduit"
database_path = "/var/lib/conduwuit"

# Database backend: Only rocksdb is supported.
database_backend = "rocksdb"

### Network

# The port(s) conduwuit will be running on. You need to set up a reverse proxy such as
# Caddy or Nginx so all requests to /_matrix on port 443 and 8448 will be
# forwarded to the conduwuit instance running on this port
# Docker users: Don't change this, you'll need to map an external port to this.
# To listen on multiple ports, specify a vector e.g. [8080, 8448]
# default if unspecified is 8008
port = 6167

# default address (IPv4 or IPv6) conduwuit will listen on. Generally you want this to be
# localhost ( / ::1). If you are using Docker or a container NAT networking setup, you
# likely need this to be
# To listen multiple addresses, specify a vector e.g. ["", "::1"]
# default if unspecified is both IPv4 and IPv6 localhost: ["", "::1"]
address = ""

# Max request size for file uploads
max_request_size = 20_000_000 # in bytes

# Uncomment unix_socket_path to listen on a UNIX socket at the specified path.
# If listening on a UNIX socket, you must remove/comment the 'address' key if defined and add your
# reverse proxy to the 'conduwuit' group, unless world RW permissions are specified with unix_socket_perms (666 minimum).
#unix_socket_path = "/run/conduwuit/conduwuit.sock"
#unix_socket_perms = 660

# Set this to true for conduwuit to compress HTTP response bodies using zstd.
# This option does nothing if conduwuit was not built with `zstd_compression` feature.
# Please be aware that enabling HTTP compression may weaken TLS.
# Most users should not need to enable this.
# See https://breachattack.com/ and https://wikipedia.org/wiki/BREACH before deciding to enable this.
zstd_compression = false

# Set this to true for conduwuit to compress HTTP response bodies using gzip.
# This option does nothing if conduwuit was not built with `gzip_compression` feature.
# Please be aware that enabling HTTP compression may weaken TLS.
# Most users should not need to enable this.
# See https://breachattack.com/ and https://wikipedia.org/wiki/BREACH before deciding to enable this.
gzip_compression = false

# Set this to true for conduwuit to compress HTTP response bodies using brotli.
# This option does nothing if conduwuit was not built with `brotli_compression` feature.
# Please be aware that enabling HTTP compression may weaken TLS.
# Most users should not need to enable this.
# See https://breachattack.com/ and https://wikipedia.org/wiki/BREACH before deciding to enable this.
brotli_compression = false

# Vector list of IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR ranges / subnets *in quotes* that you do not want conduwuit to send outbound requests to.
# Defaults to RFC1918, unroutable, loopback, multicast, and testnet addresses for security.
# To disable, set this to be an empty vector (`[]`).
# Please be aware that this is *not* a guarantee. You should be using a firewall with zones as doing this on the application layer may have bypasses.
# Currently this does not account for proxies in use like Synapse does.
ip_range_denylist = [

### Moderation / Privacy / Security

# Config option to control whether the legacy unauthenticated Matrix media repository endpoints will be enabled.
# These endpoints consist of:
# - /_matrix/media/*/config
# - /_matrix/media/*/upload
# - /_matrix/media/*/preview_url
# - /_matrix/media/*/download/*
# - /_matrix/media/*/thumbnail/*
# The authenticated equivalent endpoints are always enabled.
# Defaults to true for now, but this is highly subject to change, likely in the next release.
#allow_legacy_media = true

# Set to true to allow user type "guest" registrations. Element attempts to register guest users automatically.
# Defaults to false
allow_guest_registration = false

# Set to true to log guest registrations in the admin room.
# Defaults to false as it may be noisy or unnecessary.
log_guest_registrations = false

# Set to true to allow guest registrations/users to auto join any rooms specified in `auto_join_rooms`
# Defaults to false
allow_guests_auto_join_rooms = false

# Vector list of servers that conduwuit will refuse to download remote media from.
# No default.
# prevent_media_downloads_from = ["example.com", "example.local"]

# Enables registration. If set to false, no users can register on this
# server.
# If set to true without a token configured, users can register with no form of 2nd-
# step only if you set
# `yes_i_am_very_very_sure_i_want_an_open_registration_server_prone_to_abuse` to
# true in your config. If you would like
# registration only via token reg, please configure the `registration_token` key.
allow_registration = false
# Please note that an open registration homeserver with no second-step verification
# is highly prone to abuse and potential defederation by homeservers, including
# matrix.org.

# A static registration token that new users will have to provide when creating
# an account. If unset and `allow_registration` is true, registration is open
# without any condition. YOU NEED TO EDIT THIS.
registration_token = "change this token for something specific to your server"

# controls whether federation is allowed or not
# defaults to true
# allow_federation = true

# controls whether users are allowed to create rooms.
# appservices and admins are always allowed to create rooms
# defaults to true
# allow_room_creation = true

# controls whether non-admin local users are forbidden from sending room invites (local and remote),
# and if non-admin users can receive remote room invites. admins are always allowed to send and receive all room invites.
# defaults to false
# block_non_admin_invites = false

# List of forbidden username patterns/strings. Values in this list are matched as *contains*.
# This is checked upon username availability check, registration, and startup as warnings if any local users in your database
# have a forbidden username.
# No default.
# forbidden_usernames = []

# List of forbidden room aliases and room IDs as patterns/strings. Values in this list are matched as *contains*.
# This is checked upon room alias creation, custom room ID creation if used, and startup as warnings if any room aliases
# in your database have a forbidden room alias/ID.
# No default.
# forbidden_alias_names = []

# List of forbidden server names that we will block incoming AND outgoing federation with, and block client room joins / remote user invites.
# This check is applied on the room ID, room alias, sender server name, sender user's server name, inbound federation X-Matrix origin, and outbound federation handler.
# Basically "global" ACLs. No default.
# forbidden_remote_server_names = []

# List of forbidden server names that we will block all outgoing federated room directory requests for. Useful for preventing our users from wandering into bad servers or spaces.
# No default.
# forbidden_remote_room_directory_server_names = []

# Set this to true to allow your server's public room directory to be federated.
# Set this to false to protect against /publicRooms spiders, but will forbid external users
# from viewing your server's public room directory. If federation is disabled entirely
# (`allow_federation`), this is inherently false.
allow_public_room_directory_over_federation = false

# Set this to true to allow your server's public room directory to be queried without client
# authentication (access token) through the Client APIs. Set this to false to protect against /publicRooms spiders.
allow_public_room_directory_without_auth = false

# Set this to true to lock down your server's public room directory and only allow admins to publish rooms to the room directory.
# Unpublishing is still allowed by all users with this enabled.
# Defaults to false
lockdown_public_room_directory = false

# Set this to true to allow federating device display names / allow external users to see your device display name.
# If federation is disabled entirely (`allow_federation`), this is inherently false. For privacy, this is best disabled.
allow_device_name_federation = false

# Vector list of domains allowed to send requests to for URL previews. Defaults to none.
# Note: this is a *contains* match, not an explicit match. Putting "google.com" will match "https://google.com" and "http://mymaliciousdomainexamplegoogle.com"
# Setting this to "*" will allow all URL previews. Please note that this opens up significant attack surface to your server, you are expected to be aware of the risks by doing so.
url_preview_domain_contains_allowlist = []

# Vector list of explicit domains allowed to send requests to for URL previews. Defaults to none.
# Note: This is an *explicit* match, not a contains match. Putting "google.com" will match "https://google.com", "http://google.com", but not "https://mymaliciousdomainexamplegoogle.com"
# Setting this to "*" will allow all URL previews. Please note that this opens up significant attack surface to your server, you are expected to be aware of the risks by doing so.
url_preview_domain_explicit_allowlist = []

# Vector list of URLs allowed to send requests to for URL previews. Defaults to none.
# Note that this is a *contains* match, not an explicit match. Putting "google.com" will match "https://google.com/", "https://google.com/url?q=https://mymaliciousdomainexample.com", and "https://mymaliciousdomainexample.com/hi/google.com"
# Setting this to "*" will allow all URL previews. Please note that this opens up significant attack surface to your server, you are expected to be aware of the risks by doing so.
url_preview_url_contains_allowlist = []

# Vector list of explicit domains not allowed to send requests to for URL previews. Defaults to none.
# Note: This is an *explicit* match, not a contains match. Putting "google.com" will match "https://google.com", "http://google.com", but not "https://mymaliciousdomainexamplegoogle.com"
# The denylist is checked first before allowlist. Setting this to "*" will not do anything.
url_preview_domain_explicit_denylist = []

# Maximum amount of bytes allowed in a URL preview body size when spidering. Defaults to 384KB (384_000 bytes)
url_preview_max_spider_size = 384_000

# Option to decide whether you would like to run the domain allowlist checks (contains and explicit) on the root domain or not. Does not apply to URL contains allowlist. Defaults to false.
# Example: If this is enabled and you have "wikipedia.org" allowed in the explicit and/or contains domain allowlist, it will allow all subdomains under "wikipedia.org" such as "en.m.wikipedia.org" as the root domain is checked and matched.
# Useful if the domain contains allowlist is still too broad for you but you still want to allow all the subdomains under a root domain.
url_preview_check_root_domain = false

# Config option to allow or disallow incoming federation requests that obtain the profiles
# of our local users from `/_matrix/federation/v1/query/profile`
# This is inherently false if `allow_federation` is disabled
# Defaults to true
allow_profile_lookup_federation_requests = true

# Config option to automatically deactivate the account of any user who attempts to join a:
# - banned room
# - forbidden room alias
# - room alias or ID with a forbidden server name
# This may be useful if all your banned lists consist of toxic rooms or servers that no good faith user would ever attempt to join, and
# to automatically remediate the problem without any admin user intervention.
# This will also make the user leave all rooms. Federation (e.g. remote room invites) are ignored here.
# Defaults to false as rooms can be banned for non-moderation-related reasons
#auto_deactivate_banned_room_attempts = false

### Admin Room and Console

# Controls whether the conduwuit admin room console / CLI will immediately activate on startup.
# This option can also be enabled with `--console` conduwuit argument
# Defaults to false
#admin_console_automatic = false

# Controls what admin commands will be executed on startup. This is a vector list of strings of admin commands to run.
# An example of this can be: `admin_execute = ["debug ping puppygock.gay", "debug echo hi"]`
# This option can also be configured with the `--execute` conduwuit argument and can take standard shell commands and environment variables
# Such example could be: `./conduwuit --execute "server admin-notice conduwuit has started up at $(date)"`
# Defaults to nothing.
#admin_execute = [""]

# Controls whether conduwuit should error and fail to start if an admin execute command (`--execute` / `admin_execute`) fails
# Defaults to false
#admin_execute_errors_ignore = false

# Controls the max log level for admin command log captures (logs generated from running admin commands)
# Defaults to "info" on release builds, else "debug" on debug builds
#admin_log_capture = info

# Allows admins to enter commands in rooms other than #admins by prefixing with \!admin. The reply
# will be publicly visible to the room, originating from the sender.
# defaults to true
#admin_escape_commands = true

### Misc

# max log level for conduwuit. allows debug, info, warn, or error
# see also: https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/filter/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives
# **Caveat**:
# For release builds, the tracing crate is configured to only implement levels higher than error to avoid unnecessary overhead in the compiled binary from trace macros.
# For debug builds, this restriction is not applied.
# Defaults to "info"
#log = "info"

# controls whether encrypted rooms and events are allowed (default true)
#allow_encryption = false

# if enabled, conduwuit will send a simple GET request periodically to `https://pupbrain.dev/check-for-updates/stable`
# for any new announcements made. Despite the name, this is not an update check
# endpoint, it is simply an announcement check endpoint.
# Defaults to false.
#allow_check_for_updates = false

# Set to false to disable users from joining or creating room versions that aren't 100% officially supported by conduwuit.
# conduwuit officially supports room versions 6 - 10. conduwuit has experimental/unstable support for 3 - 5, and 11.
# Defaults to true.
#allow_unstable_room_versions = true

# Option to control adding arbitrary text to the end of the user's displayname upon registration with a space before the text.
# This was the lightning bolt emoji option, just replaced with support for adding your own custom text or emojis.
# To disable, set this to "" (an empty string)
# Defaults to "🏳️‍⚧️" (trans pride flag)
#new_user_displayname_suffix = "🏳️‍⚧️"

# Option to control whether conduwuit will query your list of trusted notary key servers (`trusted_servers`) for
# remote homeserver signing keys it doesn't know *first*, or query the individual servers first before falling back to the trusted
# key servers.
# The former/default behaviour makes federated/remote rooms joins generally faster because we're querying a single (or list of) server
# that we know works, is reasonably fast, and is reliable for just about all the homeserver signing keys in the room. Querying individual
# servers may take longer depending on the general infrastructure of everyone in there, how many dead servers there are, etc.
# However, this does create an increased reliance on one single or multiple large entities as `trusted_servers` should generally
# contain long-term and large servers who know a very large number of homeservers.
# If you don't know what any of this means, leave this and `trusted_servers` alone to their defaults.
# Defaults to true as this is the fastest option for federation.
#query_trusted_key_servers_first = true

# List/vector of room **IDs** that conduwuit will make newly registered users join.
# The room IDs specified must be rooms that you have joined at least once on the server, and must be public.
# No default.
#auto_join_rooms = []

# Retry failed and incomplete messages to remote servers immediately upon startup. This is called bursting.
# If this is disabled, said messages may not be delivered until more messages are queued for that server.
# Do not change this option unless server resources are extremely limited or the scale of the server's
# deployment is huge. Do not disable this unless you know what you are doing.
#startup_netburst = true

# Limit the startup netburst to the most recent (default: 50) messages queued for each remote server. All older
# messages are dropped and not reattempted. The `startup_netburst` option must be enabled for this value to have
# any effect. Do not change this value unless you know what you are doing. Set this value to -1 to reattempt
# every message without trimming the queues; this may consume significant disk. Set this value to 0 to drop all
# messages without any attempt at redelivery.
#startup_netburst_keep = 50

# If the 'perf_measurements' feature is enabled, enables collecting folded stack trace profile of tracing spans using
# tracing_flame. The resulting profile can be visualized with inferno[1], speedscope[2], or a number of other tools.
# [1]: https://github.com/jonhoo/inferno
# [2]: www.speedscope.app
# tracing_flame = false

# If 'tracing_flame' is enabled, sets a filter for which events will be included in the profile.
# Supported syntax is documented at https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/filter/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives
# tracing_flame_filter = "trace,h2=off"

# If 'tracing_flame' is enabled, set the path to write the generated profile.
# tracing_flame_output_path = "./tracing.folded"

# Enable the tokio-console. This option is only relevant to developers.
# See: docs/development.md#debugging-with-tokio-console for more information.
#tokio_console = false

# Enable backward-compatibility with Conduit's media directory by creating symlinks of media. This
# option is only necessary if you plan on using Conduit again. Otherwise setting this to false
# reduces filesystem clutter and overhead for managing these symlinks in the directory. This is now
# disabled by default. You may still return to upstream Conduit but you have to run Conduwuit at
# least once with this set to true and allow the media_startup_check to take place before shutting
# down to return to Conduit.
# Disabled by default.
#media_compat_file_link = false

# Prunes missing media from the database as part of the media startup checks. This means if you
# delete files from the media directory the corresponding entries will be removed from the
# database. This is disabled by default because if the media directory is accidentally moved or
# inaccessible the metadata entries in the database will be lost with sadness.
# Disabled by default.
#prune_missing_media = false

# Checks consistency of the media directory at startup:
# 1. When `media_compat_file_link` is enbled, this check will upgrade media when switching back
#    and forth between Conduit and Conduwuit. Both options must be enabled to handle this.
# 2. When media is deleted from the directory, this check will also delete its database entry.
# If none of these checks apply to your use cases, and your media directory is significantly large
# setting this to false may reduce startup time.
# Enabled by default.
#media_startup_check = true

# OpenID token expiration/TTL in seconds
# These are the OpenID tokens that are primarily used for Matrix account integrations, *not* OIDC/OpenID Connect/etc
# Defaults to 3600 (1 hour)
#openid_token_ttl = 3600

# Emergency password feature. This password set here will let you login to the server service account (e.g. `@conduit`)
# and let you run admin commands, invite yourself to the admin room, etc.
# no default.
#emergency_password = ""

### Generic database options

# Set this to any float value to multiply conduwuit's in-memory LRU caches with.
# By default, the caches scale automatically with cpu-core-count.
# May be useful if you have significant memory to spare to increase performance.
# This was previously called `conduit_cache_capacity_modifier`
# Defaults to 1.0.
#cache_capacity_modifier = 1.0

# Set this to any float value in megabytes for conduwuit to tell the database engine that this much memory is available for database-related caches.
# May be useful if you have significant memory to spare to increase performance.
# Defaults to 128.0 + (64.0 * CPU core count).
#db_cache_capacity_mb = 256.0

### RocksDB options

# Set this to true to use RocksDB config options that are tailored to HDDs (slower device storage)
# It is worth noting that by default, conduwuit will use RocksDB with Direct IO enabled. *Generally* speaking this improves performance as it bypasses buffered I/O (system page cache).
# However there is a potential chance that Direct IO may cause issues with database operations if your setup is uncommon. This has been observed with FUSE filesystems, and possibly ZFS filesystem.
# RocksDB generally deals/corrects these issues but it cannot account for all setups.
# If you experience any weird RocksDB issues, try enabling this option as it turns off Direct IO and feel free to report in the conduwuit Matrix room if this option fixes your DB issues.
# See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Direct-IO for more information.
# Defaults to false
#rocksdb_optimize_for_spinning_disks = false

# Enables direct-io to increase database performance. This is enabled by default. Set this option to false if the
# database resides on a filesystem which does not support direct-io.
#rocksdb_direct_io = true

# RocksDB log level. This is not the same as conduwuit's log level. This is the log level for the RocksDB engine/library
# which show up in your database folder/path as `LOG` files. Defaults to error. conduwuit will typically log RocksDB errors as normal.
#rocksdb_log_level = "error"

# Max RocksDB `LOG` file size before rotating in bytes. Defaults to 4MB.
#rocksdb_max_log_file_size = 4194304

# Time in seconds before RocksDB will forcibly rotate logs. Defaults to 0.
#rocksdb_log_time_to_roll = 0

# Amount of threads that RocksDB will use for parallelism on database operatons such as cleanup, sync, flush, compaction, etc. Set to 0 to use all your logical threads.
# Defaults to your CPU logical thread count.
#rocksdb_parallelism_threads = 0

# Enables idle IO priority for compaction thread. This prevents any unexpected lag in the server's operation and
# is usually a good idea. Enabled by default.
#rocksdb_compaction_ioprio_idle = true

# Enables idle CPU priority for compaction thread. This is not enabled by default to prevent compaction from
# falling too far behind on busy systems.
#rocksdb_compaction_prio_idle = false

# Maximum number of LOG files RocksDB will keep. This must *not* be set to 0. It must be at least 1.
# Defaults to 3 as these are not very useful.
#rocksdb_max_log_files = 3

# Type of RocksDB database compression to use.
# Available options are "zstd", "zlib", "bz2", "lz4", or "none"
# It is best to use ZSTD as an overall good balance between speed/performance, storage, IO amplification, and CPU usage.
# For more performance but less compression (more storage used) and less CPU usage, use LZ4.
# See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Compression for more details.
# "none" will disable compression.
# Defaults to "zstd"
#rocksdb_compression_algo = "zstd"

# Level of compression the specified compression algorithm for RocksDB to use.
# Default is 32767, which is internally read by RocksDB as the default magic number and
# translated to the library's default compression level as they all differ.
# See their `kDefaultCompressionLevel`.
#rocksdb_compression_level = 32767

# Level of compression the specified compression algorithm for the bottommost level/data for RocksDB to use.
# Default is 32767, which is internally read by RocksDB as the default magic number and
# translated to the library's default compression level as they all differ.
# See their `kDefaultCompressionLevel`.
# Since this is the bottommost level (generally old and least used data), it may be desirable to have a very
# high compression level here as it's lesss likely for this data to be used. Research your chosen compression algorithm.
#rocksdb_bottommost_compression_level = 32767

# Whether to enable RocksDB "bottommost_compression".
# At the expense of more CPU usage, this will further compress the database to reduce more storage.
# It is recommended to use ZSTD compression with this for best compression results.
# See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Compression for more details.
# Defaults to false as this uses more CPU when compressing.
#rocksdb_bottommost_compression = false

# Level of statistics collection. Some admin commands to display database statistics may require
# this option to be set. Database performance may be impacted by higher settings.
# Option is a number ranging from 0 to 6:
# 0 = No statistics.
# 1 = No statistics in release mode (default).
# 2 to 3 = Statistics with no performance impact.
# 3 to 5 = Statistics with possible performance impact.
# 6 = All statistics.
# Defaults to 1 (No statistics, except in debug-mode)
#rocksdb_stats_level = 1

# Database repair mode (for RocksDB SST corruption)
# Use this option when the server reports corruption while running or panics. If the server refuses
# to start use the recovery mode options first. Corruption errors containing the acronym 'SST' which
# occur after startup will likely require this option.
# - Backing up your database directory is recommended prior to running the repair.
# - Disabling repair mode and restarting the server is recommended after running the repair.
# Defaults to false
#rocksdb_repair = false

# Database recovery mode (for RocksDB WAL corruption)
# Use this option when the server reports corruption and refuses to start. Set mode 2 (PointInTime)
# to cleanly recover from this corruption. The server will continue from the last good state,
# several seconds or minutes prior to the crash. Clients may have to run "clear-cache & reload" to
# account for the rollback. Upon success, you may reset the mode back to default and restart again.
# Please note in some cases the corruption error may not be cleared for at least 30 minutes of
# operation in PointInTime mode.
# As a very last ditch effort, if PointInTime does not fix or resolve anything, you can try mode
# 3 (SkipAnyCorruptedRecord) but this will leave the server in a potentially inconsistent state.
# The default mode 1 (TolerateCorruptedTailRecords) will automatically drop the last entry in the
# database if corrupted during shutdown, but nothing more. It is extraordinarily unlikely this will
# desynchronize clients. To disable any form of silent rollback set mode 0 (AbsoluteConsistency).
# The options are:
# 0 = AbsoluteConsistency
# 1 = TolerateCorruptedTailRecords (default)
# 2 = PointInTime (use me if trying to recover)
# 3 = SkipAnyCorruptedRecord (you now voided your Conduwuit warranty)
# See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/WAL-Recovery-Modes for more information
# Defaults to 1 (TolerateCorruptedTailRecords)
#rocksdb_recovery_mode = 1

### Domain Name Resolution and Caching

# Maximum entries stored in DNS memory-cache. The size of an entry may vary so please take care if
# raising this value excessively. Only decrease this when using an external DNS cache. Please note
# that systemd does *not* count as an external cache, even when configured to do so.
#dns_cache_entries = 32768

# Minimum time-to-live in seconds for entries in the DNS cache. The default may appear high to most
# administrators; this is by design. Only decrease this if you are using an external DNS cache.
#dns_min_ttl = 10800

# Minimum time-to-live in seconds for NXDOMAIN entries in the DNS cache. This value is critical for
# the server to federate efficiently. NXDOMAIN's are assumed to not be returning to the federation
# and aggressively cached rather than constantly rechecked.
# Defaults to 3 days as these are *very rarely* false negatives.
#dns_min_ttl_nxdomain = 259200

# The number of seconds to wait for a reply to a DNS query. Please note that recursive queries can
# take up to several seconds for some domains, so this value should not be too low.
#dns_timeout = 10

# Number of retries after a timeout.
#dns_attempts = 10

# Fallback to TCP on DNS errors. Set this to false if unsupported by nameserver.
#dns_tcp_fallback = true

# Enable to query all nameservers until the domain is found. Referred to as "trust_negative_responses" in hickory_resolver.
# This can avoid useless DNS queries if the first nameserver responds with NXDOMAIN or an empty NOERROR response.
# The default is to query one nameserver and stop (false).
#query_all_nameservers = true

# Enables using *only* TCP for querying your specified nameservers instead of UDP.
# You very likely do *not* want this. hickory-resolver already falls back to TCP on UDP errors.
# Defaults to false
#query_over_tcp_only = false

# DNS A/AAAA record lookup strategy
# Takes a number of one of the following options:
# 1 - Ipv4Only (Only query for A records, no AAAA/IPv6)
# 2 - Ipv6Only (Only query for AAAA records, no A/IPv4)
# 3 - Ipv4AndIpv6 (Query for A and AAAA records in parallel, uses whatever returns a successful response first)
# 4 - Ipv6thenIpv4 (Query for AAAA record, if that fails then query the A record)
# 5 - Ipv4thenIpv6 (Query for A record, if that fails then query the AAAA record)
# If you don't have IPv6 networking, then for better performance it may be suitable to set this to Ipv4Only (1) as
# you will never ever use the AAAA record contents even if the AAAA record is successful instead of the A record.
# Defaults to 5 - Ipv4ThenIpv6 as this is the most compatible and IPv4 networking is currently the most prevalent.
#ip_lookup_strategy = 5

### Request Timeouts, Connection Timeouts, and Connection Pooling

## Request Timeouts are HTTP response timeouts
## Connection Timeouts are TCP connection timeouts
## Connection Pooling Timeouts are timeouts for keeping an open idle connection alive.
## Connection pooling and keepalive is very useful for federation or other places where for performance reasons,
## we want to keep connections open that we will re-use frequently due to TCP and TLS 1.3 overhead/expensiveness.
## Generally these defaults are the best, but if you find a reason to need to change these they are here.

# Default/base connection timeout.
# This is used only by URL previews and update/news endpoint checks
# Defaults to 10 seconds
#request_conn_timeout = 10

# Default/base request timeout. The time waiting to receive more data from another server.
# This is used only by URL previews, update/news, and misc endpoint checks
# Defaults to 35 seconds
#request_timeout = 35

# Default/base request total timeout. The time limit for a whole request. This is set very high to not
# cancel healthy requests while serving as a backstop.
# This is used only by URL previews and update/news endpoint checks
# Defaults to 320 seconds
#request_total_timeout = 320

# Default/base idle connection pool timeout
# This is used only by URL previews and update/news endpoint checks
# Defaults to 5 seconds
#request_idle_timeout = 5

# Default/base max idle connections per host
# This is used only by URL previews and update/news endpoint checks
# Defaults to 1 as generally the same open connection can be re-used
#request_idle_per_host = 1

# Federation well-known resolution connection timeout
# Defaults to 6 seconds
#well_known_conn_timeout = 6

# Federation HTTP well-known resolution request timeout
# Defaults to 10 seconds
#well_known_timeout = 10

# Federation client request timeout
# You most definitely want this to be high to account for extremely large room joins, slow homeservers, your own resources etc.
# Defaults to 300 seconds
#federation_timeout = 300

# Federation client idle connection pool timeout
# Defaults to 25 seconds
#federation_idle_timeout = 25

# Federation client max idle connections per host
# Defaults to 1 as generally the same open connection can be re-used
#federation_idle_per_host = 1

# Federation sender request timeout
# The time it takes for the remote server to process sent transactions can take a while.
# Defaults to 180 seconds
#sender_timeout = 180

# Federation sender idle connection pool timeout
# Defaults to 180 seconds
#sender_idle_timeout = 180

# Federation sender transaction retry backoff limit
# Defaults to 86400 seconds
#sender_retry_backoff_limit = 86400

# Appservice URL request connection timeout
# Defaults to 35 seconds as generally appservices are hosted within the same network
#appservice_timeout = 35

# Appservice URL idle connection pool timeout
# Defaults to 300 seconds
#appservice_idle_timeout = 300

# Notification gateway pusher idle connection pool timeout
# Defaults to 15 seconds
#pusher_idle_timeout = 15

### Presence / Typing Indicators / Read Receipts

# Config option to control local (your server only) presence updates/requests. Defaults to true.
# Note that presence on conduwuit is very fast unlike Synapse's.
# If using outgoing presence, this MUST be enabled.
#allow_local_presence = true

# Config option to control incoming federated presence updates/requests. Defaults to true.
# This option receives presence updates from other servers, but does not send any unless `allow_outgoing_presence` is true.
# Note that presence on conduwuit is very fast unlike Synapse's.
#allow_incoming_presence = true

# Config option to control outgoing presence updates/requests. Defaults to true.
# This option sends presence updates to other servers, but does not receive any unless `allow_incoming_presence` is true.
# Note that presence on conduwuit is very fast unlike Synapse's.
# If using outgoing presence, you MUST enable `allow_local_presence` as well.
#allow_outgoing_presence = true

# Config option to enable the presence idle timer for remote users. Disabling is offered as an optimization for
# servers participating in many large rooms or when resources are limited. Disabling it may cause incorrect
# presence states (i.e. stuck online) to be seen for some remote users. Defaults to true.
#presence_timeout_remote_users = true

# Config option to control how many seconds before presence updates that you are idle. Defaults to 5 minutes.
#presence_idle_timeout_s = 300

# Config option to control how many seconds before presence updates that you are offline. Defaults to 30 minutes.
#presence_offline_timeout_s = 1800

# Config option to control whether we should receive remote incoming read receipts.
# Defaults to true.
#allow_incoming_read_receipts = true

# Config option to control whether we should send read receipts to remote servers.
# Defaults to true.
#allow_outgoing_read_receipts = true

# Config option to control outgoing typing updates to federation. Defaults to true.
#allow_outgoing_typing = true

# Config option to control incoming typing updates from federation. Defaults to true.
#allow_incoming_typing = true

# Config option to control maximum time federation user can indicate typing.
#typing_federation_timeout_s = 30

# Config option to control minimum time local client can indicate typing. This does not override
# a client's request to stop typing. It only enforces a minimum value in case of no stop request.
#typing_client_timeout_min_s = 15

# Config option to control maximum time local client can indicate typing.
#typing_client_timeout_max_s = 45

### TURN / VoIP

# vector list of TURN URIs/servers to use
# No default
#turn_uris = ["turn:example.turn.uri?transport=udp", "turn:example.turn.uri?transport=tcp"]

# TURN secret to use for generating the HMAC-SHA1 hash apart of username and password generation
# this is more secure, but if needed you can use traditional username/password below.
# no default
#turn_secret = ""

# TURN username to provide the client
# no default
#turn_username = ""

# TURN password to provide the client
# no default
#turn_password = ""

# Default is 86400 seconds
#turn_ttl = 86400

# allow guests/unauthenticated users to access TURN credentials
# this is the equivalent of Synapse's `turn_allow_guests` config option. this allows
# any unauthenticated user to call `/_matrix/client/v3/voip/turnServer`.
# defaults to false
#turn_allow_guests = false

# Other options not in [global]:
# Enables running conduwuit with direct TLS support
# It is strongly recommended you use a reverse proxy instead. This is primarily relevant for test suites like complement that require a private CA setup.
# [global.tls]
# certs = "/path/to/my/certificate.crt"
# key = "/path/to/my/private_key.key"
# Whether to listen and allow for HTTP and HTTPS connections (insecure!)
# This config option is only available if conduwuit was built with `axum_dual_protocol` feature (not default feature)
# Defaults to false
#dual_protocol = false

# If you are using delegation via well-known files and you cannot serve them from your reverse proxy, you can
# uncomment these to serve them directly from conduwuit. This requires proxying all requests to conduwuit, not just `/_matrix` to work.
#server = "matrix.example.com:443"
#client = "https://matrix.example.com"
# A single contact and/or support page for /.well-known/matrix/support
# All options here are strings. Currently only supports 1 single contact.
# No default.
#support_page = ""
#support_role = ""
#support_email = ""
#support_mxid = ""

Debian systemd unit file

Debian systemd unit file
Description=conduwuit Matrix homeserver




ReadWritePaths=/var/lib/conduwuit /etc/conduwuit


RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNIX
SystemCallFilter=@system-service @resources
SystemCallFilter=~@clock @debug @module @mount @reboot @swap @cpu-emulation @obsolete @timer @chown @setuid @privileged @keyring @ipc






Arch Linux systemd unit file

Arch Linux systemd unit file
Description=conduwuit Matrix homeserver



RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNIX
SystemCallFilter=@system-service @resources
SystemCallFilter=~@clock @debug @module @mount @reboot @swap @cpu-emulation @obsolete @timer @chown @setuid @privileged @keyring @ipc





